Sibiir – Undergang

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Oslo band (sort of – vocalist Jimmy Nymoen relocated to Ålesund), Sibiir have returned with their latest slab of Post-Hardcore goodness in the form of Undergang. Released a mere 5 years after their sophomore album, Undergang is nice and heavy, delving into the blackened side of shoegaze interweaved throughout the post-hardcore elements.

If this description is enticing, it should be. If it doesn’t entice you, then I have not done the job of a reviewer. A little over 41 minutes in length, Undergang is 9 tracks long and provides powerful riffs and groove-laden bass-runs that just immerse you into the tracks. Although not crushingly heavy, the guitar tone benefits the riffs. Add this to the strong vocals and the excellent drumming, you have an album that appears to hit all the boxes.

It does. Every box is hit, but when listening, you are left wanting just a little more, which is slightly frustrating. ‘Watch … From a House on Fire’ is a track that threatens to explode at any given time. It teases the listener,

with its deliberately slow, heavy riff but never quite hits the BOOM that it hints at.‘Wearing the Weight’ is another slower track where the band purposefully take their time. The riff here is almost Tool-like at times and the track is thoughtful sounding, but again it is almost like the band hold back.

This is the only criticism, and it is slightly nit-picking. But the fact remains that there is a feeling that Sibiir could do a little more. Perhaps, however, this is the genius of the band?

Undergang is, quite possible, a grower, where the tracks will become ear-worms and suddenly it is essential.

I look forward to further listens to see if the theory is true.




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